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Oceanco joined the 2022 cycle ride to help the Blue Marine Foundation preserve the oceans

London to Monaco (L2M) was founded by the Blue Marine Foundation to restore our oceans back to a healthy state. The focus is combatting over-fishing by creating marine reserves, establishing new models of sustainable fishing and restoring marine habitats. In just 8 years, BLUE has helped to protect over 4 million square kilometers of ocean. Since Oceanco has a strong connection to the oceans, we believe firmly it is our responsibility to help protect them.

“With pollution being a massive concern in our everyday life, it is important that we all take measures to fight against it. We make it our business to be an industry leader in terms of sustainable development and driving positive change. Beyond building yachts that push boundaries in green technologies and efficiency, Oceanco is a proud sponsor of the London to Monaco cycle ride in order to support the mission of raising awareness and funds for the Blue Marine Foundation.”

The 2022 edition

This year, the participating Oceanco Heroes were Hans Bink, Matthijs Eversdijk, Frederik Marks, and Dik Mijs. They cycled over 1000km in eight days, departing from London and travelling through the United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium, France, and finishing in Monaco.

In total this year Oceanco raised £13.9K, nearly 140% of our target.

London to Monaco 2022 participants


The ride started in the early morning at the London Olympic velodrome, took us along familiar road in the Netherlands, over the cobbles of Roubaix, through the heart of France and over the highest paved road in Europe (Col de la Bonette at 2800 m elevation) eventually rolling into Monaco on the final day. During the perfectly organized 8 days of cycling we got the chance to meet many industry colleagues on and off the bike, learn about the great work done by the Blue Marine Foundation and experience a completely different side of the yachting industry.

Oceanco team ready for departure in London

Oceanco team crossing the Netherlands

Most importantly, the ride raised around €300.000 before the final day and this figure increased to over 1 million after the auction night at the Monaco yachtshow! Getting to know the lovely people behind the Blue Marine Foundation during the event assures us that this is money will definitively make an impact towards the conservation of the oceans, all around the world.

Oceanco team crossing of the Alps

Oceanco team at the Monaco Grand Finale arrival

All in all, it has been an experience we will not quickly forget and for which we are thankful to have gotten the opportunity to participate in.

Last but not least, we’d like to thank all our sponsors and hope we can keep counting on you in the years to come! On to London to Monaco 2023 😉